News Detail

Jan 04, 2025

Regulator seeks charities’ views on the risks of terrorist financing abuse

The Charity Commission is seeking information from the voluntary sector to better understand the risk of terrorist financing abuse.

The regulator has opened a consultation to help it identify and understand the potential vulnerabilities, trends and threats in respect of the risk of terrorist financing abuse.

The online consultation, which will close at midnight on 31 January, seeks views from any voluntary sector organisation operating in the UK, regardless of whether they are registered charities.

The survey comes as part of the regulator’s sector-wide review of UK non-profit organisations, in accordance with a recommendation from the intergovernmental body the Financial Action Task Force relating to combatting the terrorist financing abuse of non-profit organisations.

The Charity Commission said it would lead this work with support from associated regulators in other sectors. 

The consultation responses will be used to inform future engagement and outreach with the non-profit organisation sector and to inform the review of laws and regulation to combat the abuse of these organisations for terrorist financing.

The survey asks respondents about the current level of risk to non-profit organisations from terrorist entities, whether they believe that the sector is being intentionally targeted for abuse by terrorists and about particular vulnerabilities that could be exploited by terrorist groups.

It also asks whether respondents have experience of abuse from terrorist entities and whether they have measures or risk mitigation measures in place to protect them.